Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter in Kapenta

He is Risen! We just got done with two days of church services (3 each day) for Easter in our home village. Several churches from neighboring villages also came along with their choirs. Because of the number of people, the services were held under a couple of big trees outside. It was a nice setting and we all loved the breeze. While we worshipped, life in the village continued on and I had to laugh when a boy shepherded his flock of 20+ goats through us while we were all kneeling during a special prayer. Uncle Ted, our missionary coworker, preached several times and my dad taught the children (FYI It is customary for missionary kids to call other missionaries "uncle" or "aunt", maybe because we go through so much together so far from home that we become close, like family). Dad used flannel graph to teach and did a great job. The kids really like it, helping them to better see the story of Jesus' death and resurrection. Danae and I like to hold kids during the service. We are so different to them that they stare at us, stroke our skin, and feel our hair. One little boy this weekend was very silly, or "fujo" as we would say in Swahili. He kept wiggling my ears and pinching my nose. All in all we had a wonderful time celebrating the resurrection of our Saviour with our Tanzanian brothers and sisters. We will be driving up out of the valley this week so my dad can attend some national church meetings. The rest of us will stay in Mumba. It will be fun to see our other coworkers and friends, the Shermans and Caraways. God Bless, -Leah

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